Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

upswing beginning, goal still possible

According to my figures, I can still complete this goal. I am playing much better now, and I'm not making tilty mistakes that have been costing me. Next week I'll try to post some interesting hands if they come up.

Here's total graph on this computer:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

i will not give up

This graph says it all. I am on one of the most extended downswings I've ever had to deal with. I am behind my goal, but I won't be giving up.

Monday, March 19, 2007

over aggression is killing me

Yesterday I dropped almost $2k. Having only $6000 in my challenge, that was a big loss. It seems that my problem stems from over aggression with fish. I keep trying to blow them off hands like top pair good kicker, hands that alot of players would fold to an all in bet.

Today I'll start back playing 200nl. I am going to put in 15,000 solid hands of play, and then I'll move back to 400nl. The first thing I'm going to do is start taking better notes. I want to be playing ABC poker for the most part, and only go advanced on the best players at the table. If I can tag all the best player with notes, then I'll know which players can fold, and which I should just bet for value.

Unless they are specifically tagged with an ability to fold, I will not bluff them off a hand.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


It was a fun day today after I got my internet fixed. I played about 6k hands overall, and only took a few bad beats. This pretty much explains it all.

new computer up and running

So I went out and dropped $1500 on a new setup so I could continue the challenge. I spent almost a day trying to install XP over top of Vista, but I just could not get it to work. I believe there's some piece of hardware causing the problem, and after a whole day of working on it I just gave up and reinstalled Vista.

Yesterday I put in about 7k hands for a moderate $500 or so winnings. Just this morning I'm up about another $500 which puts me over 3k for the challenge. I'll be moving back up to 200nl today, hopefully I can avoid the suckouts and stay there.

Pokergrapher is acting really weird with Vista and won't pull my hands from my database, so until I figure that out I won't have any graphs.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

computer go boom

Monday morning my computer bit the dust. I'm pretty sure the power supply failed. I had to send my computer off to get fixed. I was pretty pissed, because this was going to make finishing my challenge pretty hard. But, in the spirit of not procrastinating, I went out and bought a new computer to supplement me until my other one gets back.

It's nice to be able to spend $1500 on a computer for 2-3 weeks. To bad I bought the wrong one. It's hard to find a rig that still had Windows XP on it. The few systems that had XP on it were older ones, so I decided to get a newer system with Vista and load XP on it. Bad decision. Trying to get XP on this computer was a 24 hour nightmare. I got the blue screen of death every time trying to load XP. Eventually I gave up and was forced to stick with Vista.

Since Monday morning I've put in only about 3000 hands at break even. My account balance is just a hair over $2000, and I'm determined to grind it up. I am going to aim for 10,000 hands today, so hopefully I can pull out a nice profit.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

first leg of goal competed

I've raced through 100nl in about 26 hours. After 9000+ hands at 10ptbb/100 I have enough to work at 200nl. Unless I run bad at the start, I hopefully won't be seeing 100nl ever again.

I started a thread over on 2+2 about this. Most of the guys there think I'm crazy. They are probably right, but I want to give it a shot. I think my sleep pattern will give me a huge edge in completing this goal. Speaking of sleeping patterns, I'm getting into the grove of this. My adjustments that I detailed earlier seem to be helping, but it's slowing down the adaption a bit. I'm somewhat tired in the evenings still, so it's clear my body hasn't completely adjusted yet.

Today also is the Sunday Million anniversary. Pokerstars was kind enough to offer past winners a freeroll for a Monte Carlo EPT Champion Seat. This is valued at $16,000, and would be an amazing trip. It might throw off my 200k challenge, but I'll definitely take the trip if I win.

I'm going to try to put in alot of hands today, so I'm going to get started.

Here's a graph of my 100nl action:

Friday, March 9, 2007

$500 to $200,000 in 2 months.

I wanted to prop bet my friend Rob that I could make 450k in 3 months. I wanted to go 50k on it, but he wouldn't do it for that much. I wanted some artifical motivation for the next few months, so I'm going to start a goal of running $500 up to $200,000 in just 2 months. I think I can do it, but I won't be an easy goal.

Also. I finally finished all my Febuary bookkeeping and it was pretty ugly. I ended the month down -31k overall live, and about breakeven with the little online play I put in. I put this soley on my shoulders as I played like crap for most of the month.

I'll post graphs and updates on the way to $200,000. Should be fun!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

fun and hell with polysleeping

Last year I tried a experiment with polyphasic sleeping. It failed miserably, but I really had no discipline or self control. I was in that period where the freedom of being a professional was overwhelming. Being able to do whatever, whenever was something I loved, and giving myself a strict schedule is not something I really wanted.

I decided after coming back from LA I wanted to try it again, but this time really put an effort into it. The extra free time it will give should be amazing for a poker player and allow me to play more hands.

I started it last Saturday, and last night was complete hell. I imagine it would be like a heroin addict having to quit cold turkey, but forced to sit next to some and be able to use it whenever they want. The brain pulls you so hard when you are tired to find a place to sleep, and last night I gave in and slept for 11 hours.

I'm not really upset at myself. Last night I was literally going insane, but today I'm going back to it. I'm adding changes to help me through those times.

The typical schedule for polyphasic sleeping is 20-30 minute naps every 4 hours. The first week is very hard, as you become sleep deprived with your body adjusting to the schedule. The whole idea is to give yourself much more free time throughout the day. The only cons are the first week in which you give anything to find a nice bed and 12 hours to sleep. Also, with the inflexability of the schedule, I won't be able to go over 6 hours without napping.

What I'm changing to the system are two things: First, I'm going to allow myself to sleep every 2-3 hours when I become super sleep deprived. The idea behind this is to allow my brain adjust faster, as it will have more chances to get interrupted. The second thing I will be doing is taking some walks outside if I become very tired. I can't think of a better way to wake up then some exercise and freezing temperatures.

I'll try to give some updates along the way, but when I'm tired my brain does not function at all, so you might be out of luck.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

back home for march

I planning on staying home for the month to actually make some money. Depending on how well the games are and how well I do, I'll decide when to get back on the road. I have to admit it's really nice to be home right now. I was on the road for so long that I almost forgot what a good bed to sleep on felt like. I'm happy to stay here for a few weeks.

Also, I'm looking for a house for the WSOP. I want to be out there for the whole series. If anyone's got a place and has an open room, let me know.