Monday, March 19, 2007

over aggression is killing me

Yesterday I dropped almost $2k. Having only $6000 in my challenge, that was a big loss. It seems that my problem stems from over aggression with fish. I keep trying to blow them off hands like top pair good kicker, hands that alot of players would fold to an all in bet.

Today I'll start back playing 200nl. I am going to put in 15,000 solid hands of play, and then I'll move back to 400nl. The first thing I'm going to do is start taking better notes. I want to be playing ABC poker for the most part, and only go advanced on the best players at the table. If I can tag all the best player with notes, then I'll know which players can fold, and which I should just bet for value.

Unless they are specifically tagged with an ability to fold, I will not bluff them off a hand.

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