Friday, June 1, 2007

first break of venetian

I sat down to a great table. I soon realized that 2 seats to my left was a player taking every hand t the flop. Goal: Play as many pots with him as possibe. For whatever reason he started respecting my bets, and I started abusing the tablw playing as many hands possible. At level 3 I have 16000 chips and control of the table.

Interesting hands from these levels:

Two players limp in early pos, I open 97o from the cutoff and we go 4 way to the flop. Flop comes 832 and the callingstation fish minbets. I call for runnerz, and the turn comes a 6. He minbets again and all call. The river is a 10 giving me the nuts. Fish bets 300 and I raise to 2000 hoping he had somthing. He folded.

I open AJo over ep limp and he calls. Flop comes Q32 and we both check. Turn and river are both 6s and I call his 2 bets down. He gets upset and open mucks so I dont even showdown my ace high. thankyou

Play has started so back to the table.

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