Sunday, February 25, 2007

lapc busto

I saw 5 hands today. On our starting table I played the small blind and the big blind, then we broke and I got moved back into the fray. I opened A4s and got a caller in late position. I bet the 665 flop, and he put me all in so I had to fold. Two hands later I find 22 UTG and with only $6000 chips left I moved all in, only to get overcalled by UTG+1 with ATo. The board came an amazing AKJT9 and I took the walk to the rail.

Overall this event went terribly. It was just small things where the flops were always great for my opponents. How can I push people off hands when the flop is custom talored to their hand every time? I feel that no player getting the hands and spots I was in would have been able to come out of it with any chips either.

I will be flying home sometime soon and I'll have to figure out what my plan is for March.

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