Sunday, February 4, 2007

if you are a terrorist

and you don't want to get searched at the airport, then don't buy a one way ticket. If you weren't aware, those 'random security checks' aren't random at all. Apparently one of the flags is a one way ticket, and you will get searched every time. I've gotten searched on my way to Memphis, from Memphis to Atlantic City, from AC to Chicago, then from Chicago out here to LA.

It's not a big deal, but I hate getting told "You've been selected for a random security check." Random? Bull Shit.

That being said I'm out in Commerce now. Tomorrow will be my first event, a $1000 No Limit Holdem event. The wierd thing is out here the events start at 3:30. I like it a because I'm not used to getting up early, so being able to just wake up at 11am will be great.

That's all for now

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