Monday, January 22, 2007

tunica day two

The day is over, and I while I survived, I didn't win many chips. I finished the day at 67k, which puts me short on chips starting tomorrow. Honestly, I should be busted from the event, but I made some interesting plays, and had the cards fall in a way that I never ended up all in. Even down to 15k chips, I somehow made it to over 50k without risking my tournament life. I have yet to be all in and called, which is great, but I still wish I had more chips.

There really wasn't any interesting hands all day. I basically stole money from Captain Tom Franklin all day, and when he busted in level 9 I was stuck to fend for myself. In level 9 I reach up to almost 90k, but blinds and antes ate me away, and after only playing a handful of pots in the last level I ended the day nursing my 67k.

I wish I had something interesting to post, but it was just that boring of a day.

Oh wait, Daniel is definitely gay.

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