Saturday, January 13, 2007

there are donkeys everywhere

And they all run like white fire against me.

Todays 1k nlhe event was very short for me. My first hand I played I raised 66, got 6 callers. The flop came Q64, they checked to me, I bet less then half pot, and they all folded.


Near the end of level 1, I'm in the BB with AQs, and there are 8!! limpers to me at 25/25. I raised to 225, hopefully just taking the pot down. The old donkey to my right who only had $600 left decided to call. I put him all in on the Jd8d3c flop and he calls with t9d. He gets there of course, but I'm still fine with about starting stack.

Shortly into the 2nd level I'm around 1700 of the starting 2000 stack. Only good player at the table raises, some huge donkey calls (earlier on a 4 flush board he flashed a diamond and mucked, and was angry when he was told he didn't show the hand down.) I have AdKd in the BB and decide to reraise his 175 open to 675, leaving me with 1025. He thinks for awhile, and looks like he is going to push, but just calls, to my surprise the donkey calls also.

The flop couldn't be any more beautiful with Ah8d3d. I check, considering they are drawing to 3 outs at best, the good player looks disgusted with the flop so I assume he had something like KK QQ, and the donkey bets 500. I put the rest in and he quickly calls with 88.


I miss my draw and am sent out of action early. The $5000 circuit championship is on Monday, and I already signed up for it, so I am opting not to play the $1000 limit event tomorrow. Going to spend the first Sunday in months just playing online with all the weekend donators.

Rush is coming I know it

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