Sunday, June 3, 2007

can i please get a break?

Level 6 was going along well. I had just owned a circuit regular on my best hand from vegas yet. It was a limp pot to my BB and we took a flop 3 way. I had T7 and the flop came T53. SB and I checked, the limper bet, then the SB checkraised. I 3bet knowing he will put me on 2 pair+ and he turbo mucked KT face up. Owned.

But then things fell to the worse. I folded for two orbits not seeing an ace or a king. In the sb I finally got 99 and raised. BB calls and the flop came A66. I bet out, and he raised. He shows JJ when I fold. Basically played his hand the worst way possible. Very next hand I get KQs and raise to 1800 over 3 limpers. The SB instantly bet pot and I was again forced to fold. The next hand after that I pick up 77. It is folded to me in the cutoff and I raised it to 1400 leaving me less then 5000. I get 3bet AGAIN. I am steaming at this point, but looking at my table position I didn't know how I could fold. If I fold there I'm fucked anyway as they are just going to run me over. I decide that if I jam and win the pot not only will it put me back up to 12000, but it will slow down the aggression over my bets.

So I jam and he calls with TT. Door card is a ten and I'm back on the rail.

It is positive that I'm building stacks early, but whenever I get to that 10000 mark I just seem to hit a wall. Just gotta keep hammering away...

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