Saturday, June 2, 2007


By level 6 300-600-75 I had pushed my stack up over 10,000 and felt like I was in good table position. A bit of colddeck sent me to the rail and most likely to the bar.

I opened the hi-jack to 1800 with 55. The big stack to my left smoothcalled on the button and we saw the flop heads up. Flop came K42 and I led 2600, which he again smoothcalled. From his previous play I was pretty sure he did not have a king, as he would have put me all in. His range of hands was 22-TT or 4x. The turn brought an Ace. I figured this card could have only helped him if he floated me with Ax, and I did not want to check/call and get busted by 66 or whatnot.

So I moved in and he called pretty quicky with A4 and sent me to the rail. Sometimes your reads are perfect and it still doesn't matter.

There is an event everyday this month, but this one still stings.

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